

My Life As a Non-Valedictorian, Maine Authors Publishing, 2021


A twice a month column called Spalpeen, written for the Courier Gazette, Rockland, Maine

Book Chapter

A Pearl Tie Tack, pp. 158-160, Stringing Pearls: A Collection of Gems from Nursing Leaders, PESCI HealthCare, 2008


Getting to X, Nursing Administration Quarterly, 1994, 18(3), 58-63

Essays/OpEds – Examples

On Health Care: What is the Question? The Ellsworth American, November 6, 2008

Boomers: Consider not taking Social Security, Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, February 21, 2009

Changing Expectations of Health Care, Bangor Daily News, March 4, 2009

Triangles to Rectangles, The Ellsworth American, May 14, 2009

What I learned About Race in a Burn Unit, Valley News, August 7, 2015